What is a belt loop?

| Verna Bradford |

Sometimes loops can be a loophole in denim jeans. You bought a new leather, straight or tapered belt which is a perfect match with your jeans, but when you really try to adjust it to your waist and the loops create trouble for you. Now, imagine a scenario, you are in a hurry for a date, occasion or party and you want to wear your favorite denim jeans with that stunning belt and outta nowhere you face unexpected small trouble!

What is a Belt loop?

The belt loop is fabric stitched on pants or jeans to support the belt on the waist. 

Now you might have issues like, The loops are not stitched at the right place keeping in mind the length of all the standard belts, so when you fit it to the waist, the ending of the belt might bother you whether belts are long or short or the loops were not stitched up to mark and it really ripped out with further compulsion of the belt when you really want to get your waist tied up!!  Sometimes you might also miss loops or loop size is not standard.

The standard Belt loops are mostly 5 in any jeans or pants, but brands like wranglers have up to 7 for extra support. The standard size of the man and women belt loop is 1 1/2 or 2 inches. Some trends of jeans have a smaller loop beneath the wider visible loop to adjust all kinds of belt whether broad or thin according to your collection of the belt. So, next time you buy jeans, don’t forget the loops!


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